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Councillor Lilian Dodd Raises £10,000 for Approach During her Year as Lord Mayor of Stoke-on-Trent

Over £30,000 has been raised for Councillor Dodd’s three chosen charities, Equal Chances, Stoke-on-Trent Foodback and Approach. Our Fundraising and Volunteer Co-ordinator, Hannah and Training Officer, Gaynor were thrilled to be invited to the Lord Mayor’s Parlour to accept a cheque for £10,000!

We are so grateful that we will benefit from Councillor Dodd’s relentless hard work in organising such fantastic fundraising events including the Lord Mayor’s Ball and Stoke Sings! We would also like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported Councillor Dodd’s fundraising, as this tremendous figure could not have been achieved without the generosity of our local community.

The funds raised will allow us to continue to operate our carers services for people living in Stoke-on-Trent. We no longer receive any statutory funding for our Carers Cafes and Carers Training and these services are now funded entirely through fundraising and generous donations. Aside from specialist dementia advice and support, our cafes and training courses provide peer to peer support which has proved to be a vital lifeline for all of our Carers. Thanks to this significant donation from Councillor Dodd, we are delighted that we will now be able to fund further cafes and training courses.

We would also like to commend Councillor Dodd on the sincere interest she has taken in our organisation. Councillor Dodd’s engagement with our service users and carers has been outstanding; from joining us for our Walk to Remember to getting involved with our Day Opps Christmas parties; she really has done it all!

Thank you Councillor Lilian Dodd, the continued support we have received throughout the year has meant so much to us all!