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Service adaptations and delivery:
Approach is committed to supporting our service users, carers and families. We have taken several measures to protect our services to achieve this. We have adapted services to take into account the changing situation across the health economy. All service users and carers are receiving regular telephone well-being checks to discuss individual situations and alternative support or advice during this time from the Approach team, including the Dementia Liaison Coordinator. We are still receiving and dealing with enquiries offering support and guidance via the office telephone, 01782 21499 and email Carers training is being delivered online, via Zoom, with new referrals for this encouraged. Person-centred activity packs are being created and distributed as part of a joint Approach/Dougie Mac project funded for 3 months from the Staffordshire Community Foundation and National Emergencies Trust. We shall seek funding to continue to provide the activity packs and online group activity sessions.

Day Group Services Suspension:
The decision has been made to suspend our Day Group Services indefinitely due to the ongoing Government Guidance restricting the numbers able to meet as a group and due to the vulnerability of our service users and following considerations of the organisation financial position. As a result, Approach consulted with all Day Group Staff and some will be leaving the organisation over the coming months.

1-2-1 dementia support service:
1-2-1 (MDMW) dementia support will re-commence in the near future. All current service users have been contacted and new referrals are being accepted. The safety & quality of service delivery is our main priority and we are ensuring that staff are equipped with appropriate PPE, training and support.

Carers cafes:
Due to Government Guidelines and restrictions on group numbers we are not running the 7 monthly carer cafes currently. This will be actively reviewed regularly, and cafes will recommence when safe and able. The team is assessing ways we can support carers in different ways during this time.

Dementia Centre:
Approach will be relocating to an accessible Dementia Centre in Trent Vale from September 2020. Advice, information and support will be offered to carers and people living with dementia within the centre ensuring it is safe, accessible and Covid secure. Further communications about the Dementia Centre will be made in the coming months.

Day Groups is a main source of income and the organisation will see an impact on finances. Donated funding is another source of Approach income and a short-term reduction in income is inevitable given the cancellation of fundraising events and activities. The team is working hard to ensure the impact of income shortfalls are mitigated and Approach remain a financially viable organisation.


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