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In celebration of our 40th anniversary, Approach are delighted to announce our 2022 London to Paris Cycling Challenge!

Be part of the next London to Paris Cycle event, one of the most amazing cycle challenges, to raise money for Approach Dementia Support. Taking you through an iconic English and French route, this challenge is perfect for cyclists of all abilities. We’ll look after you every step of the way. From training to fundraising to keeping you safe on the ride. This is truly a ride you will really enjoy, be challenged by, and celebrate for a long time after.

The ride can you all the way from London to Paris. Alternatively, you can join in virtually on a static bike or by a bike ride around your local area. Either way, you’ll be making a massive difference to local people with dementia and it’ll be something that you can truly be proud of!

Make this a journey to remember!

Follow the link below to get involved and do something incredible for your local dementia support charity:

Approach Dementia Support 2022 London to Paris Cycling Challenge

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