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Dementia Action Week 2018

Approach are launching Dementia Action Week on Sunday 20th May 2018 with A Walk to Remember 2018 at Westport Lake at 10am and then will continue to celebrate the week with a series of events during the next 7 days.

Monday sees a visit to our offices by the newly inaugurated Lord Mayor of Stoke-on-Trent Cllr. Lilian Dodd. The Lord Mayor will be launching Approach as one of her charities of the year on Signal 2 at 1130am.

Our CEO Will Boyce is also appearing on BBC Radio Stoke at 8.10 am to help spread awareness of Dementia Action Week 2018 and is also working with Lamont Howie from the station to produce a series of articles that will be broadcast throughout the week on the station.

Events Plan

Our full Dementia Action Week plan is shown below and is as diverse as some of the care and support we offer to both carers and people affected by dementia.

Please share it using the hashtag #DAW2018 and feel free to get involved with the events.

#DAW2018 Dementia Action Week Plan Approach



Approach have been working in the field of Dementia care locally for nearly 40 years and offer a number of diverse services to support people affected by the condition.

You can show your support for the registered charity Approach by making a donation to us by using our Walk to Remember Virgin Money Giving Page  – We’d appreciate any money that you can give and will put it to good use to help local people affected by dementia.



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