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As you are aware Approach had to close all the Carers Cafés in March 2020 due to the Government lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic. Our staff have been working very hard whilst under lockdown to maintain contact and offer telephone support and advice to hundreds of carers.


We have listened very carefully to your views and requests for the return of the Carer Support Sessions and with the easing of some restrictions, we are now able to offer small support and advice group meetings again from July 2021.


These will NOT be drop in cafés as previously, but Carer Support and Advice Groups aimed primarily at carers who require help and support with either a new or existing diagnosis of dementia, we will also welcome anyone that may be awaiting a diagnosis or are experiencing memory issues.


In line with current restrictions numbers are limited and places need to be booked in advance by contacting Approach on 01782 214999. We are holding 2 sessions 10am – 11.30am and 12.30pm – 2pm at each venue.


COVID restrictions, risk assessments and health checks will be in place at each venue.


We look forward to giving you a warm and friendly welcome at one of our group sessions:


1st July 2021  then 1st Thursday of each month

Werrington Garden Therapy Lodges, Library and Well-being Centre, Ash Bank Road, Werrington. ST9 0JS


6th July 2021  then 1st Tuesday of each month

Dougie Mac Hospice, Outpatient Centre, Barlaston Road, Blurton, ST3 3NZ


13th July 2021 then 2nd Tuesday of each month

Salvation Army, Salisbury Street, Leek, ST13 5EE


21st July 2021 then 3rd Wednesday of each month

JCB Cricket Club, Tean Road, Cheadle, ST10 1LX


27th July 2021 then 4th Tuesday of each month

Port Vale Foundation, Vale Park, Entrance C, Hamil Road, Burslem, ST6 1AW –


20th July 2021 then 3rd Tuesday of each month

Quaker Meeting House, 2, Miller Street, Newcastle U Lyme ST5 1QJ


We look forward to welcoming you back but please be aware that numbers are limited and these are not drop in sessions as the cafés were previously. We do intend to re-commence cafés when we are able.

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