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Men in Sheds take part in activities to support Environment Day

By 28th June 2018July 18th, 2022No Comments

Our Men in Sheds Thursday group took part in various activities to celebrate Environment Day organised by Aspire Housing.

In conjunction with Aspire Housing and St. Mary’s Primary School, some members of the group have been taking part in activities to improve our environment.


Here are our staff members Steve and Pete with members of the Men in Sheds group and pupils from St. Mary’s Primary School who took part in a litter pick to clear up the streets of our local community.

Here is Vince planting hanging baskets and potting sunflower seeds.

Along with help from pupils from St. Mary’s Primary School, Henry made bird boxes with the group.



The group had a wonderful day enjoying the sunshine and accomplishing something wonderful in our community.

We currently have NEW PLACES AVAILABLE in our Stoke & Newcastle MEN IN SHEDS Groups. Our specialist male only groups which are designed to provide a structured enjoyable day for men and to enable them to engage in meaningful activities such as gardening, DIY, joinery and other specific interests. There are also occasional visits and trips out to places of interest.

For more information on this service please visit our Day Opportunities or call our head office on 01782 214999 where a member of our team will be able to advise you. 

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