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Volunteer opportunity – We are Seeking Green Fingered Volunteers!

By 1st March 2019July 16th, 2022No Comments

Can you put your green fingers to good work to support people living with dementia?

Volunteer opportunity –  We are Seeking Green Fingered Volunteers to Support an Exciting Allotment Project!

We are looking for individuals who would be happy to donate their time to get involved with an exciting new allotment project at our Men in Sheds group based in Newcastle.

We have recently received two very generous sums of money which we are using to create an accessible allotment space at our shared venue at the Brook Centre. Many of our service users once loved gardening and being outside but now find many gardening tasks difficult as they struggle with bending and kneeling for long periods of time.

The space will be home to raised beds and will be wide enough to accommodate our service users who use wheelchairs. This will allow the allotment to be used by all members wishing to help maintain the allotment and grow fresh produce.


Our Men in Sheds members have been taking advantage of the excellent weather we have recently experienced and are currently clearing and preparing the space. The team have worked tirelessly and the area will soon be ready to for the allotment building to begin-which is a very exciting prospect for the group!


We are looking for volunteers with knowledge/experience of designing and building an allotment to support our gents with the next stage in their project.

We require volunteers who are confident in using gardening tools and are keen to get stuck in and get their hands dirty!

We would also love to hear from people who have knowledge of planting/sowing seasons and how to make the most of our allotment.

This is an excellent opportunity to really make a difference to the lives of those with dementia in our community and we would be sincerely grateful for any support in this project.

Thank you to The Screwfix Foundation and Co-op’s Community Fundraising Initiative for donating funds to allow us to create a wonderful allotment space for our gents to enjoy.


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