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We were privileged to hear from a family at our Afternoon Tea Event about the support they received from our charity:

“Our mum was a bright, vivacious, hardworking woman and the most perfect mother and Nannie.

When mum was diagnosed with dementia it was a bitter pill for her to swallow. We as her daughters were stepping into the unknown. Adapting to this new normal was a challenge for mum and for those that loved her. We faced many hurdles along the way. Trying to deal with mums persistent low mood was something we had never experienced.

There were many moments where we all felt lost in this new world of ours. Trying to find our way through this minefield and a roller coaster of a ride.

We, as a family, heard about the Approach Charity and mum started to attend the cafes. This provided a safe place for her to feel comfortable with people who understood the daily torment she faced. It provided her with the opportunity to help escape, if only for a moment, from the chaos that surrounded her.

We are really struggled with the changes mum was going through. The frustration, the guilt, the sense of hopelessness was often so overwhelming we wondered how we would ever cope with what was to come.

We attended training provided by Approach, which gave us an insight in to what mum was experiencing. It enabled us to see the world through her eyes. Our questions were answered in an honest and pragmatic way.

We were able to talk freely to other carers and for once we didn’t feel alone.

Mum sought comfort in Approach for many years until this disease made the trips far to difficult for her.

I would like to thank this tremendous charity for the comfort you gave to my mum and to us as a family.

I look back now and think that I had two mothers. The one that bought me in to this world and the one I said goodbye to. Two very different people but I loved them both and they both loved me.”

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